Introducing the 2011 Couch !!
They say "history repeats it's self" and that is true in regards to Doug's Couch. Just like the original DC, this couch came to me. After the retirement of the Couch was announced, I started to get emails and comments about people missing the couch. Then I started missing having a couch around myself. I started looking on craigslist and I put a few feelers out there for a couch that could handle the life of Doug's Couch. There was no couch that really fit the bill.
Then Patricia spoke up.
Patricia knew of a couch that was sitting alone in a house in Fox Lake. A couch that had been left to fend for it's self. A couch that was once a part of someones everyday life, but now was in solitude. It was time for that to change. THIS was the couch that was destined to meet more people than it has in it's entire life. THIS was the couch that was going to be famous one day. THIS is the couch that was tired of sitting alone in a cold house.
This is Doug's Couch!
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