Welcome to Doug's Couch. If your a returning guest, you get the appeal of the couch. If you are new, you may be wondering, "What the hell?" Here is the low down. I, Doug, have a couch that I bring with me to a whole bunch of different places. Usually places that you would not see a couch. I take a picture, we have fun, we move on. If it is deeper than that, then I am missing something too.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Northern Illinois Boat Show

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This last weekend was the Northern Illinois Boat Show at the Lake County Fairgrounds and the couch was ready to GO! Friday night we snuck it in the back door of the place. Once it got inside, it became part of the party!

FOTF had O-Bombs flowing so the couch naturally flocked to that area.

The couch spent the rest of the weekend at the BK Boat n Sleds booth and got a lot of attention and recognition from forum folks.

I even got the head of the Fox Lake Fireworks committee, Noreen, to join me on the couch for the official picture.

The boat show may be the only place that really offsets the oddness of the couch. Surrounded by hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of boats, the couch really looks out of place. I was very careful not to leave any plaid rub burns on any fiberglass as I left the place.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Heartland Blood Drive

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There is a first time for everything and I have gotten to experience a lot of the "first times" with the couch. This is one of those times. I met up with the Young Professionals of Mchenry yesterday for a Heartland Blood Center Blood Drive. This was my first time giving blood and, like many others, I am not the best around it.

I had a little war going on inside me. I was nervous, but I was also fighting that nervousness and I thought that I was winning. Until someone walked in and said "Nervous?". I asked if I looked nervous and the whole room agreed that I did. When a room of people tell you you look nervous, your nervous.

I got in the bus and found my station and the nerves continued. I was cracking jokes the whole time so that kept me busy. All in all, it was not as bad as I built it up to be in my head. The staff at Heartland was great and made everyone feel very comfortable..... maybe a little TOO comfortable. I ended up missing the picture on the couch due to the free cookies and juice. "I think I need some more cookies."

To make matters worse, I lost the picture of the couch at the drive while I was uploading it here..... Time to donate more BLOOD!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

V.I.P Facebook List

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If you are a fan on the Couch's Facebook Page, then you should already know about the V.I.P. list. This is a list of people that shared, tagged, and spread the word about the Couch. This list started about 5 days ago and already has grown to 9 people so far. It isn't many, but it is a start. Why be on the V.I.P list? What's in it for you?

Well first off, you get your name on the couch. Now, the couch isn't huge so, this list is going to start filling in fast. If having your name on the couch was not cool enough for you, then wait till you see this part. As a V.I.P., you get to kick any NON-V.I.P. off the couch so you can relax on it. That's right, if someone says..."I don't see your name on it, Jerk" after you tell them they are sitting in your spot. You can tell them to lift the cushion and BAM.....there is your name. Now there are a couple ways to get on the Couch V.I.P list.

First, you can tag the couch in your status on Facebook. To do this, type '@' in your status and a drop down menu will appear. Immediately after the @ start typing Doug's Couch. You should see 'Doug's Couch' pop up in the list. Click on it and it will appear in the status bar. You can type whatever you like before or after it. This will also appear on the Couch Facebook page, so I will see this style post and add you to the list!

Another way you can add yourself to the list is to share the Facebook Page. To do this, cut and paste the web address onto your FB page, or scroll down the Couch page to the last line on the Right hand side. It should say 'share'. If you do share the link and I don't see it, please post on the Couch page so I know to add you to the V.I.P List.

Thanks to everyone that has check into the blog, Facebook, Twitter, and in real life. The couch is all about having fun and seeing where it goes. The more we spread the word, the larger it can get and the more fun we can have!

Join me on Facebook!

Blizzard of 2011

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The couch usually makes trips to different locations and events, but this time things were different. This time, the blog post came to the COUCH, in the form of 3 feet of snow! That's right, the couch got a picture with Blizzila...aka Snowpocolyps, Snowtorious B.I.G., Tsnownami, Snowprah, or whatever name you will remember it by. This was an epic one so I could not miss the opportunity to get the couch out there.

This picture was taken at Bk Boat n Sleds' shop in Lakemoor, IL. As you can see in the background, the snow is about 3-4 feet deep. The couch is sitting on about 18 inches of snow. This picture happened so quickly that the couch didn't even know what was happening. It was all warm and sheltered in the shop and the next minute it was tossed out into the Blizzard of 2011.

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Also check out how to be a V.I.P Couch Fan and kick other people off the couch!

Monday, January 31, 2011

New Year, New Couch, New Memories

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Introducing the 2011 Couch !!

They say "history repeats it's self" and that is true in regards to Doug's Couch. Just like the original DC, this couch came to me. After the retirement of the Couch was announced, I started to get emails and comments about people missing the couch. Then I started missing having a couch around myself. I started looking on craigslist and I put a few feelers out there for a couch that could handle the life of Doug's Couch. There was no couch that really fit the bill.
Then Patricia spoke up.

Patricia knew of a couch that was sitting alone in a house in Fox Lake. A couch that had been left to fend for it's self. A couch that was once a part of someones everyday life, but now was in solitude. It was time for that to change. THIS was the couch that was destined to meet more people than it has in it's entire life. THIS was the couch that was going to be famous one day. THIS is the couch that was tired of sitting alone in a cold house.

This is Doug's Couch!
P.S. I have owned the couch for less than 4 hours and it has been dropped from 6 feet in the air, a leg broke off, it has been stepped on, and it ripped a little. I have also pulled a matchbox car, a broken PallMall and a McDonald's toy out of it's undercarriage. This is gonna be a good year.

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