Welcome to Doug's Couch. If your a returning guest, you get the appeal of the couch. If you are new, you may be wondering, "What the hell?" Here is the low down. I, Doug, have a couch that I bring with me to a whole bunch of different places. Usually places that you would not see a couch. I take a picture, we have fun, we move on. If it is deeper than that, then I am missing something too.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Out With the Old and In With the New

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This is the last post for the 2009 couch and the first post of the 2010 couch. The 2009 couch had some great memories to it. I am sure we all have our favorites. My favs of 2009 was The Thirsty Troll Fest and New Glarus Brewery. The year went very quickly and there were some great milestones!

Well I thought a lot about how to get rid of the 2009 couch, and I settled on letting it go quietly. It made it's way to the big living room in the sky via a pseudo viking funeral. I took it to Grayslake Landfill in a junk boat.

This is the LAST picture of 2009 Couch
Now on to the MONSTER couch of 2010. This is a vintage couch from right here in Crystal Lake. I found it on Craigslist and met Diane at her home to pick it up. She had no idea what was in store for her favorite couch. She had some great memories on it and now it will have many many more added to it's history.

The new couch is a lot heavier and about 1 & 1/2 feet LONGER than the '09 couch. It BARELY fits in the back of the truck and may require another set of swivel casters in the center. This one is gonna be more of a 'chore' to haul around, but it will be well worth it. Not only is it a traveling couch...it is HUGE and will be one of the largest couches that most people have seen.

"2010 is gonna be HUGE!"

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