Welcome to Doug's Couch. If your a returning guest, you get the appeal of the couch. If you are new, you may be wondering, "What the hell?" Here is the low down. I, Doug, have a couch that I bring with me to a whole bunch of different places. Usually places that you would not see a couch. I take a picture, we have fun, we move on. If it is deeper than that, then I am missing something too.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Camping in Blanchardville, Wi

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The Bk Boat n Sleds.com gang took the couch camping this weekend. It was loaded up with all the other gear and was hauled out to Yellowstone Lake State Park in Blanchardville, Wisconsin. There were twenty of us that made the trip out for 4 days of antics and fun.

The couch spent most of it's time around the campfire. It made the folding camping chairs look so flimsy and uninviting that the couch was rarely vacant. The group site was right at a corner location, so the couch got some real looks and attention.

We also hauled the couch down to the beach for the day. It didn't get as many looks as I though it would. Apparently, Wisconsin folks see couches at the beach all the time. Matt, on the left side of the couch in the picture below, really did a number on himself in the sun. I will set honor him with a separate blog later.

The couch did attract the attention of the Park Rangers. It was about an hour after quite time and the party was no where near stopping. The park Rangers appeared with a "Park Ranger" and the group didn't skip a beat. We all laughed a little too hard because we knew that this moment was coming and we had used the, "Park Ranger" line all weekend so far.

The deal was we could take this picture as long as we didn't have any complaints from the neighbors. That conversation was broken up by loud laughter and cheering from our neighboring campsite, so we knew that wasn't going to be a problem. The Ranger also asked if the couch was going to go to jail with me....I responded..."Can it? That would be a great picture!"

Check in for tomorrows post of the Bk group's trip to the New Glarus Brewery and the infamous Chicken Chug Competition!

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