Welcome to Doug's Couch. If your a returning guest, you get the appeal of the couch. If you are new, you may be wondering, "What the hell?" Here is the low down. I, Doug, have a couch that I bring with me to a whole bunch of different places. Usually places that you would not see a couch. I take a picture, we have fun, we move on. If it is deeper than that, then I am missing something too.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Moe-B-Dicks North Shore Pub

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So the couch is spending more and more time in the truck as it travels around. I am too lazy to take it in and out in between visits. That means it gets a lot of face time when on the road. My buddy Jeremy and I have started hitting a local neighborhood bar called Moe-B-Dick's in Crystal Lake and, this time, the couch was in the truck.

As soon as we pulled up, I was asked about the couch. I told the story and hit the bar. About an hour later, Katie (girl on the right in the first picture) went out the the truck and went to the website via her phone to see what the deal was. That's about the time I got pointed out as the "Couch Guy".

They told me to bring it around back so I did!

If you have not noticed yet, this is the first time I am not sitting in my side of the couch. If the ladies say, "Sit in the Middle", you sit in the middle.

So far this is the second time that we have gotten 4 people on the couch. The last time might have been 3 1/2 with Matt, Myself, Joe, and his little girl....but technically it was 4. That seems to be the number to beat.

I love the people over at Moe-B-Dicks. It is a great crowd and a great bar! I can't wait to go back... I wonder if I have to bring the couch EVERY time now....

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